Election post


I started my magic journey here. Because of my obsession with cards, I joined Magic Soc two years ago. Throughout this incredible voyage, I had my first-ever magic performance at UCL, did a few gigs, and even became a member of the Magic Circle. 

Magic is a performance art for me. It breathes life into the impossible right before the audience's very eyes, transporting them to mystical realms of wonder. But it is more than that. Magic takes people on a journey; Magic has this unique power to bind people together, evoking all kinds of emotions—curiosity, joy, and even hope, leaving people with amazement and fulfilment. A magician guides this journey, witnesses and feels every emotion your audience feels. 

So, it goes without saying that magic has helped me get to know many incredible people. Some of them share the same passion for magic as I do; we would sit down, grab a deck and talk for the entire day about magic. But I had the pleasure of meeting many more because they enjoyed my magic; we instantly connected because magic transcends boundaries. The amazement of a coin appearing out of thin air is a universal language. 

Two years in, every time I perform magic, I can't help but think how grateful I am that I started magic and that I get to experience all these. So allow me to make this experience yours.