Election post


Hi! I’m Sara, a second-year medical student, and I’m standing as Iranian Society’s Welfare Officer because this society is something I deeply care about. 

Like all of you, I am incredibly proud of our culture and hold a deep love for our people, including every member of our society at UCL.
With the revolution, and the psychological impact it had on all of us, I recognise the need for welfare activities within our society now more than ever. We all care for our country and suffer every scar inflicted upon it and mourn every life taken too early, but we do not have to stand alone. You cannot pour from an empty cup, and we can not advocate for our country and our people without first taking care of our own mental health. I am available to support the members of our society and am more than happy to lend my ear to anyone who wishes to talk, and I promise to do my best to help find solutions to your problems whenever possible.

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