Election post


As a fervent advocate of equality, feminist thought, and dismantling of entrenched societal norms surrounding gender and sexism, I present myself as a candidate for the treasurer position in the UCL Gender and Feminism Society!


Beyond my passion for our cause, I am also experienced in financial management. This unique blend of skills places me as the quintessential candidate to treasurer. My vision for our society extends beyond balancing books -- I aim to secure our society's financials, and thereby empowering us to organise enlightening events, support community initiatives, and broaden our reach within and beyond UCL.


A defining moment in my journey with the society is during my participation in a discussion on intersectionality in sexuality, gender, and trans rights. After sharing a personal experience, I was met with an outpouring of encouragement and support. This experience was deeply heart warming and encapsulated our society's capacity for fostering inclusivity and understanding, elements that I am keen to uphold and expand in my role as treasurer.


By standing for treasurer, I hope to not only secure the financial wealth of our society but to also contribute to a broader narrative of change and empowerment for all genders and sexualities!

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