Election post



My name is Fardowsa, I am a second-year economics student with a passion for FinTech.

FinTech fuses the world of finance and technology, industries I have a keen interest in as an economics student witnessing the increasing importance of technology in our lives. While I like to keep up with fintech news and engage in the sector professionally, having an active role in the society would allow for me to build meaningful connections with like-minded peers and collaborate with my fellow students in an area I am passionate about. I feel it is the perfect environment that breeds innovation and creativity, allowing me to grow and expose myself to diverse perspectives. I am particularly interested in the welfare officer position as it stems from my commitment to the well-being of individuals within society.

I like to immerse myself in the fintech sphere and have actively involved myself in the sector, so a welfare officer position will allow me to also motivate others to do so while encouraging unfamiliar faces to get involved in fintech by cultivating a diverse, inclusive environment. Completing an insight week at Bloomberg meant I was able to build valuable connections with professionals including my mentor, it has been a great learning experience that I would be able to transfer into the role. I am also a student ambassador for SEO London which has equipped me with the skills to support and guide my peers.

I believe my dedication to the welfare of my peers positions me as a well-rounded candidate for the welfare officer