Election post


I aim to create an inclusive environment within the European Society, preserving the welcoming atmosphere I experienced when I first join.

As President, I envision a dynamic future, with plans like reinstating the Brussels trip and collaborating with other European societies for a shared continental newsletter. Ongoing discussions with societies in France indicate growing support for these initiatives.

Furthermore, having met many of you, I believe our society is more than just politics. I'm also enthusiastic about organizing social gatherings, including wine and cheese tastings, and exploring various European traditions! I also want to be open to any other event proposals related to our beautiful Europe :) .

My background includes being the president of "Maison Des Lycéens" in high school and founding the high school newspaper. Through these experiences, I learned valuable leadership and organizational skills and the importance of community engagement and effective communication within a group.

Growing up in Calais exposed me to a mix of French, British, and Flemish cultures, fostering a deep appreciation for Europe's diversity. I learned German in high school and plan to spend my third year abroad in Germany or Austria. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in European Social and Political Studies, driven by my strong connection to European culture.

Vote for me and let's make our society a lively mix of politics and fun!


Preferred pronouns
She / Her