Election post


Hi everyone, my name is Khanh and I am running to be your Dataviz Soc President!

The sense of community and collaboration that we have fostered within this society is something I have come to cherish, and I hope to continue developing this incredible asset in the upcoming year!

If elected, I would look to implement the following:

1. Continuation of Speaker Events

Data Visualisation, as an emerging field, is placed in a unique position. As the importance of data increases in almost every profession, we are also seeing Data Visualisers encompassing a vast array of disciplines. Continuing our speaker events creates opportunities for our members to explore the wife possibilities of their skill sets - being able to draw from a diverse set of experiences and stories.

2. Increasing Interactivity!

Data Visualisation is at its best with hands on experiences. But starting out, especially with new tools, can be intimidating! That is why I would like to introduce a wide range of workshops on different softwares, coding languages and skills!

I would also look to ignite the competitive spirit within our members with exciting hackathons!

3. Connecting with UCL - Past and Present

Finally, I would try extend the connections within our community. Whether if this is by continuting our partnership with the Tribune or forming new ones with societies and alumni, I would like to grow our passionate network.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you! I hope these are plans that you can support.

- Khanh

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