Election post


I have had an amazing time at dance society for the past two years and I’m really hoping that I can get a bit more stuck in!! The publicity and design role is exactly up my street. I am hoping to pursue a career in Marketing so this would be the perfect opportunity to show off my skills! I’ve been in charge of the PPE society’s instagram for the past year and have really enjoyed it so far and can imagine I would love doing the same for dance society :) I honestly find making the instagram posts, organising colour schemes and seeing all the posts line up so satisfying. I think creating the posts and designing any merch would be such a good creative outlet outside of my uni work too. I know this role can be quite demanding at times but I really thrive on a busy schedule. I am the self-proclaimed queen of time management and think I’d be really good in this role! All I hope for is to help make dance society the fun and exciting society it is already known to be

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