Election post


Hi everyone! I’m Andrea and I know that my skills and experience make me well-equipped to be Competitions Coordinator and passionate about cultivating a warm and well-supported dance environment. In particular, I’m confident in excelling at the 3 main responsibilities: 1) internally managing all our teams, 2) organising external travel plans, and 3) executing general committee duties.

First, my versatility in dance styles allows me to help appropriately allocate choreographies and provide helpful feedback to choreographers and dancers alike. This year, I was part of 3 different comps teams, meaning I have experienced different methods of teaching and performing. Using this knowledge, I can help guide next year’s choreographers to lead and plan effectively so that we can put our best foot forward! Second, I am proactive and well-organised, so I can handle finicky travelling logistics. Being part of the committee this term has also provided insight into how these responsibilities have been executed successfully. Similarly, my existing familiarisation with the systems of a committee member makes me a prime candidate: I understand the commitment and responsibilities required of me and am more than happy to take it on!

From founding new friendships to cheering and winning trophies, being part of comps was such a rewarding experience. I want to ensure that our energy is just as electric and inspiring next year. Your trust in me won’t be misplaced!

IG @andreaxchung for questions <3

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