Election post


The UCL Cricket Club has rejuvenated my love for playing cricket since coming to university and is a principal reason as to why my settling into university has been smooth and easy. The club has welcomed me with open arms and I feel as though it will be my place next year to give back to the club in a similar way, hopefully as the Welfare Officer. Often in sports teams I have felt left out or been picked on but always had somebody to count on and help me out of that place to make sure my love for that sport was not diminished or ruined in any way due to external factors. As Welfare Officer I wish to be that somebody to make sure that the UCL Cricket Club is one where everyone feels welcome, comfortable, and is able to play and express their love for the game freely, without any added trouble. Sports is often an escape for people suffering with issues at home, and I aim to ensure this club is a healthy environment for people to enjoy themselves but also feel safe to reach out for support in case of a problem in any aspect of their life. I hope, if given this role, I can provide an outlet for members to feel secure and at ease while being around cricket.

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