Election post


Having been an active member of the Consulting Society for the past two years and seeing it expand quite nicely, I am motivated to continue the legacy forward:) Through active participation in panel events and networking sessions, I have gained a deeper understanding of society’s functioning. Combined with my stint as a Strategy Consultant at LSC, I have firsthand experience in client management. Thus, I am excited to put forward my candidacy for the VP of Client Projects. My main agenda includes:

  • Sourcing high-quality projects:  By ensuring that our projects meet rigorous standards, I aim to provide meaningful opportunities for our members to polish their consulting skills. With mid-term reflection form and engagement monitoring, I aim to build healthy and transparent client relations. 
  • Cutting-edge Consulting training: Training is integral to delivering impactful outcomes. Through collaborating with High Bridge Academy and mentors from MBB, I aim to deliver relevant resources to our extensive members. 
  • Clear communication and department cohesion: Communication is pivotal to the success of our consulting projects. I aim to maintain transparent and open channels of communication with diverse stakeholders. Furthermore, by ensuring that departmental cohesion is in equilibrium, I aim to maximise the easiness of reaching out to the best POC for individual projects.

Lastly, my leadership experience as the Treasurer of London Global Shapers has enhanced my execution and operation skills!! Therefore, my main aim is to

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