Election post


The most anxious moment of my life wasn't during any life-determining exam nor in the face of certain death. Instead, it was during a Speech & Debate tournament. I remember the details distinctively. The year was 2018. My team had the privilege of attending Berkley University's annual Speech & Debate tournament and everyone involved was incredibly excited. Everyone but me. After crawling my way through four rounds of speeches I was finally on track to finish off my prelim rounds at 9:00 pm on the dot. But, as the clock struck 8:00 I found myself lying on the cold hard dirty floor in Berkley's student centre dreading the speech I would have to make in an hour. I kept asking myself what I was doing there, why I was wasting my time there, was someone like me even supposed to be there? I asked myself what was the point of the years of experience and competitions I had attended if I were to just break down like this. I didn't break past prelims that year, and that to me was expected. But despite all that, my coach sat down next to me looked me in the eyes and smiled. He told me that regardless of results, he knew I had worked hard and he was proud of me. I broke down, then and there. No matter how far you go in public speaking, at times, you'll always feel let down and that's okay. I hope that as your welfare officer, regardless of how new or experienced you are, I can be there for you as a pillar of support and encouragement. Like my coach, that is what I would like to stand for.

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