Election post


This has been an incredibly successful year for the Society, from affiliating with the SU to hosting some truly excellent socials, the Classics community has grown stronger because of the efforts of this year’s committee. Of course, the role of President is certainly a challenging one, but one that I feel more than prepared for having served as Vice-President. I have come to realise that there are two reasons for this year’s success. Firstly, there has been an event for everyone; whether it be museum trips, visits to markets, academic talks, pub quizzes, or just the classic pub social! What is equally important, however, is ensuring that members engage and are made to feel welcome, and it has been a privilege to meet so many new members this year.

Now, I could talk about my previous leadership positions and time as an Academic Rep for the department, and while it was all valuable experience, there is nothing more important than a President’s commitment to the job. I would not only be dedicated to the society, but also to offering new initiatives. Alongside all the other social and welfare events, I would encourage greater collaboration with London Classics societies and schedule regular talks by external academics. Above all, members' ideas and feedback will be taken seriously - it is your society after all! Given the society’s great success this year, I have every confidence that next year will be no different, and I sincerely hope that I can count on your vote.