Election post


Hi everyone, my name is Isabel, PhD candidate at the Bartlett School of Architecture! In considering the question of why I am standing, my motivation stems from a genuine passion for the society and a commitment to its continued existence. Observing the vacant position of president and recognizing the importance of sustaining our vibrant community, I have taken the initiative to step forward. I genuinely care about our society and want to see it keep rocking.

I envision the Chilean Society as a hub for engaging academic discussions across various disciplines, providing an invaluable space for presenting our work and receiving constructive feedback from our peers. By fostering an environment that encourages intellectual exchange, we can collectively contribute to the academic enrichment of our members.

But it's not all about the serious stuff. I reckon our society should be like a support group for all of us Chileans at UCL. We should be there for each other, lending a hand when needed and creating a tight-knit community.

And although I think of the Chilean Society as an academic space, I believe it’s important to have social activities too. Remember that karaoke night we had with the Mexican Society? Yeah, more of that, please! I want our society to be a place where we can chill, have a good time, and maybe even discover some hidden singing talents.

I'm all in for making our Chilean Society an awesome mix of academics, support, and fun. Let's make it happen together!