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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run15 Mar 2024
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running9
Available positions2
Total ballots31
Valid votes31
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Rhi Skelhorn [17520]3.00
Anastasia Afanaseva [18280]5.00
Lena Nicoletti [18283]2.00
Zoe Dahse [18682]1.00
Ariel Aeng [18995]2.00
Abby Hunt [19477]12.00
Zahra Suleman [19490]3.00
Csenge Gyuricza [19500]2.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)1.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 10.34. Candidate Abby Hunt [19477] has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Rhi Skelhorn [17520]3.60
Anastasia Afanaseva [18280]5.30
Lena Nicoletti [18283]2.30
Zoe Dahse [18682]1.00
Ariel Aeng [18995]2.15
Abby Hunt [19477]10.34
Zahra Suleman [19490]3.30
Csenge Gyuricza [19500]2.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)1.00
Count after transferring surplus votes from Abby Hunt [19477]. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 3
Rhi Skelhorn [17520]3.60
Anastasia Afanaseva [18280]6.30
Lena Nicoletti [18283]2.30
Zoe Dahse [18682]0.00
Ariel Aeng [18995]2.15
Abby Hunt [19477]10.34
Zahra Suleman [19490]3.30
Csenge Gyuricza [19500]2.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Zoe Dahse [18682] and RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 1.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 4
Rhi Skelhorn [17520]3.60
Anastasia Afanaseva [18280]6.30
Lena Nicoletti [18283]2.30
Zoe Dahse [18682]0.00
Ariel Aeng [18995]2.15
Abby Hunt [19477]10.34
Zahra Suleman [19490]5.30
Csenge Gyuricza [19500]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Csenge Gyuricza [19500]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 5
Rhi Skelhorn [17520]3.60
Anastasia Afanaseva [18280]6.30
Lena Nicoletti [18283]2.30
Zoe Dahse [18682]0.00
Ariel Aeng [18995]0.15
Abby Hunt [19477]10.34
Zahra Suleman [19490]5.30
Csenge Gyuricza [19500]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Ariel Aeng [18995]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.
Round 6
Rhi Skelhorn [17520]3.75
Anastasia Afanaseva [18280]6.30
Lena Nicoletti [18283]2.30
Zoe Dahse [18682]0.00
Ariel Aeng [18995]0.00
Abby Hunt [19477]10.34
Zahra Suleman [19490]5.30
Csenge Gyuricza [19500]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Ariel Aeng [18995]. Transferred votes with value 0.15. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 7
Rhi Skelhorn [17520]5.75
Anastasia Afanaseva [18280]6.30
Lena Nicoletti [18283]0.30
Zoe Dahse [18682]0.00
Ariel Aeng [18995]0.00
Abby Hunt [19477]10.34
Zahra Suleman [19490]5.30
Csenge Gyuricza [19500]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Lena Nicoletti [18283]. Transferred votes with value 1.00.
Round 8
Rhi Skelhorn [17520]5.75
Anastasia Afanaseva [18280]6.30
Lena Nicoletti [18283]0.00
Zoe Dahse [18682]0.00
Ariel Aeng [18995]0.00
Abby Hunt [19477]10.34
Zahra Suleman [19490]5.30
Csenge Gyuricza [19500]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count after substage 2 of 2 of eliminating Lena Nicoletti [18283]. Transferred votes with value 0.15. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 9
Rhi Skelhorn [17520]5.75
Anastasia Afanaseva [18280]7.30
Lena Nicoletti [18283]0.00
Zoe Dahse [18682]0.00
Ariel Aeng [18995]0.00
Abby Hunt [19477]10.34
Zahra Suleman [19490]0.30
Csenge Gyuricza [19500]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 2 of eliminating Zahra Suleman [19490]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Candidate Anastasia Afanaseva [18280] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Anastasia Afanaseva [18280] and Abby Hunt [19477].


Rhi Skelhorn

I’m standing as I want to continue to grow the community we have in women’s wrongs and make it even stronger. Zine has been a lifesaver as a student hundreds of miles away from home (big up the north!), it provided me friends outside of my small degree and enabled me to feel a part of something bigger at UCL and I want to continue this for other women, non-binary people and anyone else who wants to help spread the gospel of Women’s Wrongs. 

I’d like to make it a more interactive space inside and outside of weekly meetings through group trips to galleries and museums relevant to the issues we make, all free of course to ensure anyone who can and wants to can come along. If possible i’d like to get more speakers in now and again who can discuss feminism with us or in general read more feminist theory to apply to our work and how we think about women. I’d hope that we can link with other universities, even if this means over zoom, to widen our community even further and hear how other women/NB are experiencing university. 

I want to make Women’s Wrongs a space for everyone to come and feel heard, seen and appreciated for their hard work, whether it be a serious article or a satirical one because everyone is equally important in zine and that is so special. 


Zoe Dahse

I am standing for Zine Editor for Women’s Wrongs as I absolutely adore the issues the team creates, and at the same time have loved contributing to each issue this year.

As one of the Zine’s two editors, I would want to:

  • decide on a theme for each issue with the other editor, and take on the editing of written pitch submissions primarily
  • improve the Women’s Wrongs podcast – make it more consistent, invite guest speakers on, widen the audience
  • continue to hold weekly Zine meetings, offering a space to collaborate, create and come together to discuss pitches and ideas
  • hold more events and socials outside of Zine meetings
  • invite more external speakers
  • continue to organise Zine making workshops
  • collaborate with other societies such as GenFem, and other UCL student media societies

I have extensive experience with student media, social media and editing, making me well-placed to take on this position. I am also greatly passionate about intersectional feminist writing, which helps. I am friendly and approachable, and really want to get people involved in writing/ creating for the Zine!

Ariel Aeng

After joining Cheese Grater and Women's Wrongs this year, I've felt such a strong sense of community within all of the members that show up. It genuinely feels like such a safe space -- I loved how I was able to connect with everyone in the room, share common experiences without feeling self-conscious, and spend time with like-minded Lana Del Rey-loving Pinterest-brained people! I will be dedicated to fostering and continuing that environment for others, by increasing social media posts (girlblogging) for more reach and holding socials that are in a quieter environment (for those who prefer calmer activities). 

As a published author in both creative non-fiction and poetry, I would be so excited to continue writing workshops, and facilitating collaborative pieces to be published (for those who are a bit scared of publishing their individual work)! I also have experience in design from being graphic designer for my local youth social justice outreach organization, and from running a mildly popular journalgram/studyblog account in the 2017 studyblr golden days. 

I have always been passionate about putting art out into the world. I want to encourage those who want to participate, but aren't confident in their abilities, to try their hand at something new while being supported by the editors, and increase oppourtunities for those who want to contribute to graphics in the final zine & instagram silly posts! <3 

Anastasia Afanaseva

Over the period that I have been a part of Women’s Wrongs, I have fallen in love with the society, its amazing atmosphere, and the great creative work it does. I am running to be a Zine Co-Editor because I want to have a greater role in the production of the zine and the work this amazing society does than I do at the moment. 

If elected, I will do my best to preserve the iconic aesthetic of the zine and continue publishing stories on relevant themes, such as the relationship between femininity and masculinity or childhood nostalgia. I will aim to encourage member collaborations and the use of different mediums in future editions. Members will be encouraged to submit visual art or maybe even videos to post on our website/Instagram. I will also try to make the zine more active on TikTok by managing the account and giving several members access to it, so they can exercise their full creative freedom. 

For the weekly meetings, on top of regular discussions, I’ll introduce movie nights with discussion (we could watch the documentary about incels on YouTube) and try to invite speakers that work in journalism, such as writers or podcast hosts for Polyester Zine. If elected to be co-editor, next year I will arrange more creative meetings, like making our own little zines, Valentines for our loved ones, or writing our poetry.

Thanks for trading my manifesto! If you agree with my vision for next year, throw a vote my way – let’s make Women’s Wrongs even more awesome together!

Csenge Gyuricza

I love Women’s Wrongs and I love how welcoming and funny everyone is! I’d love to be more hands-on in the creative process and ruthlessly judge everyone’s submissions! I’m an English student which means I’m literate and practically have no work to do in my degree. My favourite pastimes include giving women a bad rep, entertaining my five Letterboxd followers, and engaging in unjustified cancel culture. I would love to carry on the wonderful heirloom that is this zine, to take a seat at the feminised King Arthur’s Round Table and take a drink out of the Holy Grail. I’m bringing some of my own ideas to the (round) table and have some suggestions of how we could enhance the zine even more. I’d love to add a confession column where submitters can right their wrongs by writing their wrongs, and an anti-advice column for the worst feminist advice possible. I will be circulating a manifesto of sorts during voting week with more info so keep an eye out!

My credentials: 

  • Paul Mescal told me I “have good craic”
  • Every conversation I’ve ever had has passed the Bechdel test
  • Although i often get mistaken for a gay man I’m actually a woman and I understand female struggles  
  • I have a girlfriend (the most feminist thing anyone can do)
Abby Hunt

Hi! I'm Abby and I love love love the zine!! I have been a member since its resurrected from the ashes as womens wrongs and have written for all three of the amazing issues <3

Here is a word vomit of ideas:

I would love to compile more recommendations each week from members, as amazing stuff gets mentioned at meetings and I always forget...(logging them throughout the term - i.e. spotify playlists, letterboxd & goodreads lists! or maybe even in a newsletter format). 

I think it would also be really cool to do launch party events for each issue to celebrate each print, as well as a trip to the feminist library to see the zines in the collection and/or the LSE archives to learn more about the important history of publishing women & marginalised genders stories & more film screenings would be great (programming our own and/or attending club des femmes events).

Overall, the zine meetings offer a much needed community space on campus each week that I have enjoyed being involved with over the last couple years; I believe it is important to continue to make it an intersectional feminist space that offers rest-bite, joy and solidarity for students who wish to have their ideas expressed and published.

It would be an honour to work alongside a co-editor help facilitate this next year!

Lena Nicoletti

Hi everyone!! My name is Lena, and I am currently a First Year studying International Social and Political Studies. Being part of the Women's Wrongs Zine has genuinely been one of the most fulfilling and wonderful experiences of my time at university so far. I absolutely adore this community of witty, bright people and am constantly inspired by everyone's talent!! I deeply appreciate that Women's Wrongs functions both as a welcoming, safe space and also as a space for unabashed satire (except RMF, he is not a joke and is 100% real, he wants you all to know he is 6'5" confirmed!!) But seriously, whether a poem/essay about identity, sexuality, and self love, or a quiz to find out whether your GF really loves you, there's a niche for absolutely everyone at Women's Wrongs and I love that about this community. I would be absolutely thrilled to step into the role of Zine editor next year and keep this wonderful little mag alive and well <3

P.S. every vote for me is 1 less incel on UCLove so think carefully xox

Zahra Suleman

Because there are no chairs. 

And also because I have loved being a part of women’s wrongs this year! The meetings are the highlight of my week and everyone is so welcoming and funny and amazing. I would love to be part of  the creative process of the zine even more!!! The issues so far have been immaculate and I would try my hardest to carry on its legacy!! Even though I may not say much in meetings its only because I hate to speak over women (i am a feminist). 

I sleep, breathe, eat womens wrongs and I would take care of this zine like it is my illegitimate, bastard child.💋🎀


Why you should vote for me:

  • i owned a niche meme account in 2018 (so u know i have the editing experience!)
  • i have never watched a quentin tarantino movie (female directors only)
  • i am the voice of this generation (red hair and nose ring)
  • even though i lack original ideas i love to criticise (perfect for an editor!)