Election post


Hi! I'm Abby and I love love love the zine!! I have been a member since its resurrected from the ashes as womens wrongs and have written for all three of the amazing issues <3

Here is a word vomit of ideas:

I would love to compile more recommendations each week from members, as amazing stuff gets mentioned at meetings and I always forget...(logging them throughout the term - i.e. spotify playlists, letterboxd & goodreads lists! or maybe even in a newsletter format). 

I think it would also be really cool to do launch party events for each issue to celebrate each print, as well as a trip to the feminist library to see the zines in the collection and/or the LSE archives to learn more about the important history of publishing women & marginalised genders stories & more film screenings would be great (programming our own and/or attending club des femmes events).

Overall, the zine meetings offer a much needed community space on campus each week that I have enjoyed being involved with over the last couple years; I believe it is important to continue to make it an intersectional feminist space that offers rest-bite, joy and solidarity for students who wish to have their ideas expressed and published.

It would be an honour to work alongside a co-editor help facilitate this next year!

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