Election post


Over the last term and a half, I’ve loved every moment of Cheese Grater investigations–the meetings, the interviews, the writing, the editing. 

In my opinion, the Cheese Grater investigations team represents a vital component of student journalism–students holding their institutions accountable, because they deserve to attend universities that value them and the people around them. 

I also find the specific approach of Cheese Grater investigations, i.e. finding an angle for every piece and consolidating information around this angle, particularly powerful, and I’d love the opportunity to continue and build on this approach. 

Lastly, I’d like to run because I’d love the opportunity to hold weekly meetings, meet new people, and watch them fall in love with student journalism just as I did. 

Having attended almost every Monday investigations meeting, I’ve experienced the strong sense of community within the Cheese Grater Magazine team. I felt welcomed from the very first meeting, and I’d love the opportunity to do the same for new members. 

Essentially, I want to run because I love the Cheese Grater, I love writing, and I love people. 

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