Election post


I am standing and would love to be the Treasurer for cheerleading as since joining, I have loved it so much this year in Strike and would love to show my appreciation by contributing back to the society!

Being the Treasurer would be the perfect position for me as I already have an affinity with handling money and organising the whole society with my past experience within the Economics Society this year when planning events and organising our budget. I am always extremely organised, great at communicating with everyone, and am very good at working with all types of people and personality types, so I am confident I will work incredibly well with whoever is on the committee next year, supporting all ideas and events in any way possible.

I am already exceptionally well versed in budgeting and building Excel spreadsheets to track society spending and have an overview of the club's finances, as well as quickly and efficiently solving any financial difficulties.

With my excellent leadership, teamwork and proactiveness, I am confident that I will be a fantastic and effective treasurer if nominated, helping make the cheerleading society even more fun and exciting for next year!

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