Election post


Hey I’m Jules :)

I have absolutely loved cheer this year and the amazing community so would love to give back and run for publicity officer! 

I think I would be a good candidate for the role as I have good communication and organisation skills and am committed and super enthusiastic about cheer.

As publicity officer, I would like to utilise different platforms more and participate in different tiktok trends as a team. I have found lift ups after training and snaps so helpful for morale and giving the team an extra push. I have seen a couple teams from other unis do cheerleader of the month and would love to start that in lightning to give an extra push of motivation. I would also love to showcase more of our amazing achievements and skills on social media and post more from socials run by our great social secs.

I also already have a bit of experience with editing and the necessary tech skills for publicity. I have made a website for history and have created my own virtual exhibition and museum space for my course so I would feel confident working on the cheer website and making creative posts for social media. 

I would love the opportunity to be on committee and be able to be more creative again. Thank you for considering me!!!


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