Election post


Hey everyone!

My name is Danilo and I founded UCL Cats Society in 2022. Having been president since then, this has honestly one of the best things in UCL for me - it has made me so happy seeing all the amazing friendships that have been made in this beautiful society, and seeing people enjoying themselves! 

This year Cats Society has been on fire, and I am hoping that next year we will do even better! I will ensure this by taking regular feedback from members in order to see which activities they want to see most and when they are most free. I am also going to apply for more funds so that our members can get cheaper tickets for the cat cafe trips so that no one misses out. Additionally, I want to continue making Cats Society as lovely and friendly as it has been for the past 2 years! 

As I have been president for the past 2 years, I know how everything works and am used to do the forms etc and have connections with the external organisations. I am also the ideal candidate as I am able to help all of our members and committee with anything they need and can help the smooth transition. I also have lots of contacts with other societies and groups in order to host collabs.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions! 😊 My email is [email protected]

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