Election post


As a current welfare officer who has been heavily involved with making calisthenics more accessible to students , I would love the opportunity to be the President of calisthenics , here are some reasons why !

  • I've been in the committee for 2 years as a Welfare officer, media officer and first year rep and have always endeavoured to make people feel welcome regardless of their level! 


  • I've led group workouts for beginners that build a solid foundation for skills. I made these both fun and informative for all levels.


  • I have demonstrated proficiency in a wide range of calisthenics areas ( my feats include: being able to one arm pull up , front lever , back lever , handstand , 3x6 weighted pullups with 50kg , dip 80kg+, 50 pistol squats on one leg in one set etc...)


  • Placed 2nd in advanced reps category of the UCA competition featuring 30+ universities 


  • I run a fitness page @calichenics inspiring over 270K+ individuals with my motivation , tutorials and humour.


  • Potential Ideas I would like to implement include : more structure to sessions to help beginners , more fun challenges involved such as bring sally up etc...  more non-alcoholic social events. running women's only sessions, more specific training sessions for advanced movements.



Therefore I believe due to my calisthenics knowledge , strength , compassion, ideas and ability to motivate people , I would thrive as a President for UCL calisthenics.






vote me = happy

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