Election post


Hi! I'm Celine, a current First-Year Executive running to be your Competitions Vice President! From participating in DECA to designing and disseminating marketing material for the Impact Investment Championship and key events, I align with the society’s major value – to create opportunities to learn.

I witnessed first-hand how challenging competitions can help students foster self-improvement, critical/independent thinking, team-building, time management and confidence – all of which prevail in a workplace. Thus, I have decided to devote my skills to the smooth execution of our competitions.

I will ensure the following:

  1. Empowerment: Inspire students to attempt challanges and motivate them to explore new industries and talents.
  2. Efficiency: Improving delegation of tasks, contingency planning, scheduling, communication with participants and hospitality of guest judges/ speakers.
  3. Equipping: Preparing members with professional skills and expertise transferable into their careers, through wider networking and workshops.
  4. Expansion: Creating new competitions within more popular categories e.g. marketing, entrepreneurship, and corporate finance.

Reflecting on my high school experiences as Head Prefect and Malaysian Society President, I consider myself an opportunist who loves leading. I have gained essential skills in being a good communicator and strategic problem solver, which complement my goals for Business Society.

Thank you for your support! Together let’s Be A Step Ahead!

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