Election post


Hi! I’m James, a current First Year Executive in the Business Society running for President. 

My experiences as a FYE helping out in DECA and Impact Investment Challenge have motivated me to run for president of Bizsoc. Since I possess a deep understanding of Bizsoc’s internal structure and its potential as a launchpad for student success, I aim to explore more opportunities that will equip members and foster a supportive community. 

In the upcoming year, I strive to: 

1) Collaboration: I plan to forge partnerships with other UCL societies for multifaceted events showcasing diverse career paths like entrepreneurship, consulting and banking etc. Additionally, I will connect with neighbouring universities to open the possibility for inter-society competitions and networking opportunities with other schools.

2) Preparation: To equip members for their career aspirations, I propose technical skills workshops in order for members to further navigate their chosen paths. I will also hold CV, interviews, and insight workshops so that members can better prepare for their internship applications. 

3) Expansion: Building on our existing partnerships, I plan to further expand our connections with leading companies to create a richer network with diverse opportunities, allowing members to achieve their career aspirations.

By voting for me, I promise to build a thriving community where everyone feels empowered to connect, making Bizsoc a supportive hub for personal and professional growth!

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