Election post


The book club has a special place in my heart. It was the first society I joined at UCL, and is the one I have found most rewarding. The Tuesdays that I have spent at the club have been the parts of the week that ground me. I am running as President of the book club because I hope to give back to this community that has been so special to me. 

I believe that the book club has potential to be more than the reading circle it currently is. If I am elected, I hope to expand the present activities of the book club to better engage a diverse audience at UCL. I'm also keen to engage more directly with society members to harvest their ideas of what they would like the book club to be. Spoken poetry readings, origami bookmark making, book-related movie nights, and listening to readings in foreign languages: these are just a few of the many ideas I have to make the book club more engaging. I can't wait to start pitching ideas to the community as election season really kicks off! 

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