Election post


As demonstrated by river conditions this year the role of safety and welfare officer is paramount to the functionality of the club. My previous experience as boatswain has enabled me to understand the practicalities of equipment and river conditions well. Being used to managing dilemmas quickly and efficiently to minimise disruptions to trainings whilst working with the remit of safety constraints. Moreover, I’ve been active in attending MOSCEs and can hold testament to the important value tutorials have had for me and others. I’ve been a consistence presence about the club, and always aim to be an approachable and friendly face for people to speak to. I want to continue the work of previous safety and welfare officers in improving the visibility and accessibility of the reporting form for all. I want to hold a light to the important positive impact of team sports and community, on people’s mental health and wellbeing. In terms of education, I will endeavour to initiate some more tutorials and teaching sessions further on, especially for pre-clinical years. One particular focus I would like to bring in is some skills sessions, with focus on skills like examinations and history taking, imparting some of the key knowledge more senior members of the club have. Lastly, I want to set up more informal routes of communication, for minor questions about medical knowledge or practicalities of medical school through the years.

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