Election post


Hiya I'm Dan! I'd be so honoured to take on the role of social sec but here are a few reasons why you might want to vote me in:

1. Inclusivity
Our socials are for everyone, from fresh new members to long-standing established members, and it's incredibly important that we cater to the diverse groups that we have in RUMSBC. I'm totally committed to ensuring everyone has a good time!

2. My experience
Being in the club for 2 years now I've experienced all kinds of social and I have a feel of what's worked well and what we can take forward into this coming year. While I haven't had the chance to be involved in Boat Club committee I have my fair share of experience with committee meetings and the Student Union from other societies, and I know how to advocate strongly for what's important. Finally, I've had the privilege to watch 2 generations of social secs deliver amazing vibes 24/7 and I'd love the opportunity to take up the mantle and bring that same energy.

3. My enthusiasm
I've attended virtually all the RUMSBC socials this year, even without a committee role. I really want to transform that commitment and deliver back to the society the amazing experiences I've already had. I'm determined to spread some smiles at every occasion and keep our amazing community going.

I hope that these few notes have given you all some food for thought and I'm looking forward to presenting even more next week!

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