Election post


Coaching the Novice Men has been a dream. As a team, we've come incredibly far, bonded so much, and brought novice rowing to new heights (fours, water tanks, you name it!). Above all, I created a cohesive, supportive, and encouraging squad that provided a framework for members to thrive on and off the water. With this approach, I plan to continue Lewis' inspiring legacy and create the most united Senior Men's squad we've ever had.

To do this, I will:

  • Nurture a sense of community, friendship and belonging where every rower has space to shine - the sky (or the PLA) is the limit
  • Continue providing quality circuits, stretching, plus guidance sessions on weight training to support resilience and prevent injury
  • Give 110% to every squad, channelling raw power into progress and pushing teams to new heights with 1-on-1 attention only weekly coaching can provide
  • Dedicate my time as a coach, whether I row or not, to make every member feel like I notice their development and that if they keep pushing, they can go further!

For all this to be a reality, you need a captain who can be there on that launch week in and week out, understands how to create a thriving team, and can react dynamically to an ever-growing, ever-progressing squad. 

Having the privilege to coach our future senior rowers and row alongside M1 and M2 means I understand better than anyone how dedicated attention and collaboration with John can enhance our performance at races and beyond!

I promise to give it my all!

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