Election post


This year, I’ve seen just how important the roles of boatswain and assistant boatswain are to RUMSBC. From their hard work in making Cambridge possible near the start of the year, to simply keeping the boathouse tidy and organised, the impacts that these roles have are key for the club to function as smoothly as it does.

I’ve seen first-hand that whenever the novice men’s boat decides to break itself in any one of a thousand different ways, the boat always seems to be magically fixed in time for our next outing. I’d love to be part of this essential behind-the-scenes work to fix problems that arise during outings so that race days run as efficiently as possible and to maintain the schedule of regular outings.

Joining RUMSBC was, by far, the best decision I made all year and I believe the assistant boatswain role would allow me to continue my commitment to the club for years to come. If successful, I would make sure that:

  1. I show at least the same amount care and respect to the equipment as the current boatswain and asst. boatswain, in order to be a reliable and dedicated help around the boathouse. 
  2. I help the next cohort of freshers understand some main aspects of maintaining their boats from the very start of the year so they can immediately be more involved and know what to do when things inevitably go wrong.
  3. I’m always around on race days and for outings to offer guidance, help where I can, and ensure all issues with equipment are well-communicated with the boatswain.