Election post


Hey, this is Paz and I wish to continue the first-year rep to president pipeline at UCL Board Games Society!

Over my first few months at UCL, board game nights have been a fantastic addition to my Fridays. My time as the first-year rep at boardgames has allowed me to familiarise myself with the roles and responsibilities associated with being president.

As such I wish to:

  • Continue hosting board game nights, with as many fun inter-society collaborations as possible.
  • Take in feedback and expand our hefty collection of board games (putting the boardgames trolley under even more burden).
  • Continue expanding upon longer boardgame events such as Blood on the Clocktower days, Twilight Imperium and more grand-strategy games.
  • Work with the BGS members and committee to see how the society can be further improved upon.

Over my time at BGS, it has been remarkable to see an influx of new members making board games one of the largest non-sports societies at UCL; a trend which I’d love to see carried on. Finally, it allows me to contribute more to a wonderful community that has made my first year at UCL memorable.

I am also somewhat enthusiastic about board games :)

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