Election post


Hello everyone!

My name is Matsvei Danisheuski, and I have been a member of the UCL Blockchain Society since September of the 2023.

My interest in crypto started 1.5 years ago, when I wrote my Research Project about whether Bitcoin can replace fiat money or not. Through writing my first paper, and by researching how the Blockchain works, I started discovering many new stuff from DeFi and Cryptocurrencies in general.

Right now, I am engaged in researching new projects in Decentralized Finance, as well as I am researching new cryptocurrencies and technical analysis. I am proficient in on-chain analysis, evaluation of DeFi projects, as well as detecting local and global narratives and following the social sentiment. Here is the list of my recent (or not the most recent) favs: Starknet (ZK-proofs L2), Ethena (USDe, stablecoin, not backed by fiat), ZkSync (ZK-proofs L2), Parcl (RWA), EigenLayer (Restaking Protocol) and LRT protocols such as Puffer, Renzo, Kelp. I am not a tech-savvy guy, and I do not know how to code, however, I am always researching new opportunities and solutions in crypto on a daily basis, that’s why I am applying for the role of the Head of Research of the UCL Blockchain Society.

I am ready to develop myself, as well as my knowledge of technological skills, and I will pay contribution to the development of the UCL Blockchain Society.