Election post


Hi there! I am Edwin. As a first-year Biological Sciences student passionate about biotechnology, I stand before you not only as a candidate for President, but as an advocate for this transformative field. I am driven to contribute meaningfully to our vibrant community and shape a thriving future for the Society. Here's my vision for our Society:

  • Promoting interdisciplinary collaboration: I envision creating opportunities for members to collaborate with students from other STEM fields, fostering a dynamic and innovative environment.
  • Enhancing industry engagement: I aim to actively seek partnerships with industry leaders to organise workshops, guest lectures, and research opportunities, providing invaluable exposure to the latest advancements and career paths in biotechnology.
  • Empowering the next generation: I believe in supporting the next generation of biotechnologists by organising mentorship programs connecting senior students with new undergraduates, fostering knowledge sharing and career guidance.
  • Building a strong community: I envision a welcoming and inclusive community within the Society. I propose organising social events and outreach initiatives to promote interaction, celebrate diversity, and ignite a passion for biotechnology among all students.

Together, we can shape the future of biotechnology at UCL. As President, I will strive to make the UCL Biotechnology Society a hub for scientific exploration, collaboration, and innovation.