Election post


Hi! I am Vanessa and I am a biochemistry student. I joined this society because I am passionate about deepening my understanding of the biopharmaceutical industry and I am earnest to go into this field as a future career. This is what motivate me to be directly involved in the Biopharma society so I can initiate all the events I believe that can help everyone who have the same interest and ambition as me. As vice president, I can help the members to be more involved in this field by implementing the following:

1) organise more and regular networking events with professionals including panel discussions and individual talks

2) explore mentoring opportunities so members can obtain personal connections with industrial professionals for more insight in their line of work

3) organise monthly socials for members to give advice to each other on making a CV, applying for internships as well as to get to know each other and have fun so everyone can benefit!

 As vice president, I am committed to take my responsibility seriously, working alongside the President and the rest of the committee to get this society running smoothly and efficiently to bring all these events and opportunities to you, just so all members are able to gain the most of what this society can offer.

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