Election post


I will be standing for the role of Media and Communications officer as I believe this is an exciting opportunity to increase the awareness of this new society through a strong and enthusiastic social media presence. I am well suited for this role as I am a keen photographer and would love to capture the amazing opportunities presented and carried out by this society. In addition to this, taking on this role will be a good challenge and allow me to feel fully immersed in student life at UCL.

As a frequent member of many other societies this year, I have a good understanding of key features which are important in underpinning their success. I have found one of the major factors contributing to this is compelling publicity of events, accessible to a wide variety of students. This is particularly relevant to this society, due to the Biomedical Sciences cohort being comprised of a large and diverse student population. With this knowledge, I am confident I can contribute to the success of the Biomedical Sciences Society through increasing participation and awareness of events. After all, the most exciting and interesting events simply cannot achieve total success if people are unaware of their existence.

I cannot wait to see what is in store for this society, and encourage you to vote for me as Media and Communications officer!



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