Election post


Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well!

My name is Jaskaran, and I am nominating myself for the position of vice president. My journey with Bhangra, from performances at weddings to being on stage at Rangeela, has been truly amazing. The more I delve into Bhangra, the more thrilling it becomes. Reflecting on my initial encounter with Bhangra at UCL, I was captivated by the skills of the senior dancers and met many people who are now great friends. I hope to spark the same enthusiasm and welcomeness I first felt at the start to the future members.

As a candidate for vice president, my vision is to share the joy and excitement I receive from Bhangra with others, creating a society where individuals from diverse backgrounds can freely express themselves through Bhangra regardless of their experience.

My agenda contains a lineup of events, including weekly classes with creative choreography, social gatherings, and collaborations with other universities. I aim to create an environment where the society thrives with organization and teamwork, while ensuring inclusivity for all members and representatives.

With your support, I aspire to push the boundaries and propel UCL Bhangra to new heights, both in the social media realm and within the university. As a final aspiration, I am determined to be a supportive leader to everyone and set an example that people can look up to, while being confident in myself to uphold high standards for the society.

Thank you for considering my nomination!