Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed
As your Treasurer in the 2022/23 academic year and current Kit officer, I believe it is time for me to step up to the role of President. I am thrilled to present my manifesto outlining my vision for the future of the club.
Expanding Club’s Social Media Presence:
- Weekly posting of game schedules, box scores, summaries, and highlights of leading scorers on our social media platforms.
- By doing so, we will keep our followers engaged, attract new members, and celebrate the achievements of our players.
Ensuring All Teams Have The Proper Equipment:
- All competitive teams will have the necessary equipment to film their games by investing in tripods and possibly a camera.
- Allocate funds specifically for the purchase of good basketballs and other essential equipment. An investment in our club's future.
Increasing Club Inclusivity & Visibility:
- Increasing the number of social events. These socials will range from pickup to more organised events such as team dinners, and Club outings to watch London Lions games.
- Increase our club’s visibility within and beyond the university community. I will work with the committee to build stronger relationships with other societies and external companies to facilitate collaborations and sponsorships.
To conclude, I am committed to leading the basketball club with integrity. I believe that I can work with the committee to build a thriving community that excels on and off the court.
#bleedpurple #goknights