Election post


Hey Team,

I’m excited to throw my hat in the ring for the next fourth-team captain, and here’s why. Over the past year, being part of our awesome fourth team has given me a clear vision for our future. I’ve seen us grow, and I’m eager to steer us further on this journey. I've been a captain before, which taught me more than just plays; it honed my skills in leadership, strategy, and fostering team spirit. At UCL, I want to bring this experience, blending competitive drive with a cool head (yep, I keep those ref chats friendly to stay in the game). But what’s a team without its spirit? Beyond the court, I’m all in for planning our get-togethers and team socials.

So, let’s make this happen. Vote for me, and let’s take our team to new heights – and of course, celebrate our dubs at Phienas! 

See you out there, Jan

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