Election post


I am going for the position of 2nd team captain at UCL's basketball team because having played for the team this year, the enriching journey not only honed my skills on the court but also highlighted the importance of teamwork, leadership, and community. I have met so many people who share the same passion as me as I feel as 2nd year would be the perfect work/life balance to organise lead and build a strong social and winning team. I also went to Paris with UCL basketball and this only made me want to get involved more as I want more people to experience this. I want to specifically be 2s captain due to the fact that the 2s are a good balance of competitive and social team whilst playing and top uni teams around London and the country.

When on the court, I’ll be sure that my team is focused on getting a win at all times. This focus will carry through in practice, where I’ll make sure that the team works hard and trains well to ensure that we come to every game prepared. I will help build a good bond within the team and listen to teammates whilst being a leader .