Election post


Hey everyone!

I'm Tina, a second-year student in the BSc Architecture program here at the Bartlett. One of the things that truly stands out to me about the Bartlett is the incredible sense of community and support that permeates every corner. From the warm welcomes to the unwavering encouragement, it's evident that we're all in this big family together, across units, year groups, and programs.

That's why I would like to nominate myself to run for either the role of Media and Communication Officer or Action Team Leader. As Media and Communication Officer, I envision spreading the spirit of the Bartlett not just through thrilling updates but also by capturing the memorable and enjoyable moments that occur throughout the year. I'm also keen on bringing the essence of the Bartlett to life through potential merchandise and a yearbook.

Driven by a deep-seated passion for listening to my peers' needs and addressing their concerns, I aim to fostering stronger bonds within the Bartlett community. Through collaborative activities and engaging discussions, I aim to introduce more direct initiatives within our units and programs, (such as casual pub nights or educational but fun workshops),  creating meaningful experiences for all members.

Thank you so much for your time. I aspire to shape the Bartlett into an even more vibrant and connected community and your support will mean a lot to me!