Election post


I would like to run for the role of Action team leader 

My reason for applying this role is simple, I just extremely knee on helping and reaching out to other Bartlett students and this role is a valuable opportunity for this to happen. Plus I am already been involve as a member in the society as a 2nd year. And I would like to continue that further.

Since my first year, I always wanted to get involve in events across the Bartlett and getting to know more people. Because normally you will only work in studio space and have meeting with tutors in rooms and landing once a week, so everything else almost feels very scattered and limited. The Bartlett society however can really help creating that channel for student to involve and experience more architectural and social events, rather than just focus on their design in studio.

Also, this summer I have involved in a natural material volunteering events organized by some Bartlett professor and that give me the opportunity to build actual light-straw clay house in Suffolk countryside learning alongside natural material expert and making friends with a few master and Phd student which are both something you can’t get just by working in studio, and I think the society can help promoting more events like that and really push to build connection between year group and to  shape the Bartlett Community in a positive way.

I will always be happy to do my best to help out the society and fellow Bartlett students as action team leader.