Election post


Hi, I'm Raashi and I am running to be your Vice President for 2024-2025!

Over the past 2 years of being part of UCL Barbell, I’ve seen the club grow and expand with so many members that have become familiar faces- whether that be at training or socials! The community of Barbell has always been welcoming and supportive, making me feel so comfortable when I joined.

As Vice President I will make sure that new members at all levels of experience are accommodated, eg. through taster sessions and fresher social events in the new year. I will aim to make sure the interests of all members are catered for - more sports nights, but also non alcoholic activities.

I will work closely with committee members and Bloomsbury fitness to provide the optimal training environment, whether that be securing calibrated plates or lifting platforms. I also want to provide members with avenues to maximise their training, eg. nutrition workshops, so that our training can be holistically optimised.

Promoting diversity and inclusivity is one of my priorities, so I will make sure the diversity in our club is celebrated, and strive to form a culture of acceptance and support for everyone in our community.

I am suited for this role; my experience in teaching and tutoring roles during university has helped me develop core communication and organisational skills. Heading a research team this year has equipped me with leadership and teamwork skills which I will transfer to my role as Vice President.