Election post


Bangladesh holds a special place in my heart, as it's where I've spent the majority of my life and where I've had the privilege to immerse myself in authentic Bengali culture. Bengali is not just a language to me; it's the essence of my identity, my mother tongue.

If I become the general secretary of our society, I'm all in for keeping up the awesome Bangla lessons initiative we've got going. It's such a cool way to share the beauty of our language with everyone. And let's not forget about having regular game nights, cultural bashes, and chill hangouts to take the edge off from all the studying.

Plus, how about we mix things up a bit and plan some off-campus shindigs? Like, how cool would it be to explore different places and dive into our culture, especially on special days like International Mother Language Day on February 21st. Everyone can wear their favorite traditional attire and celebrate, just like people do back home. And of course, I will make sure there is plenty of food available everytime (I prefer Bengali snacks but we can always have a vote).

I hope I will get an opportunity to be a part of this society that embodies the values and traditions I cherish and make all of these a reality.

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