Election post


As a first-year student, my journey with UCL badminton has been remarkably progressive. My experience of playing on behalf of RUMS 1st team and UCL 2nd team, has provided me with invaluable insights into the dynamics of collegiate badminton and the importance of team cohesion. 

Upon joining the team, I encountered the challenge of overcoming rustiness from a four-year hiatus since my last play. However, through support from teammates and unwavering commitment, I swiftly regained my form and even surpassed my previous performance levels. I have come to appreciate the significance of support and leadership in fostering unity and purpose within the team. The feedback and motivation received from fellow team-players have inspired me to strive for excellence.

I recognise the pivotal role that a captain plays in guiding and motivating their team towards collective goals. I am eager to embrace this responsibility and aspire to inspire my teammates, just as they have inspired me since my initial days on the team. I am committed to fostering a positive and supportive team environment where every member feels valued and motivated to give their best effort. 

In conclusion, I stand before you as a candidate driven by a passion for badminton, a commitment to excellence, and a vision of unity and success for the men's first team. I am excited about the opportunity to lead and to contribute to the continued growth and success of our team.


Preferred pronouns
He/ Him