Election post


My pursuit of the presidency is motivated by a desire to give back to the club that played a pivotal role in my first year at UCL. I am a passionate advocate for the sport with nearly ten years of badminton expertise, from representing the Malacca state in Malaysia to contributing to TeamUCL Badminton Men's First Team in the BUCS Southern Premier Tier and the recent BUCS Individuals Championship in Sheffield. My journey with UCL Badminton has been enriching, and I am determined to recreate, if not enhance, this experience for every club member.

Balancing the needs of competitive and social players, my vision is cultivating an inclusive environment where everyone feels celebrated. Central to my vision is an unwavering commitment to open communication and collaboration. I am dedicated to listening to our members' feedback and ensuring their voices are heard and valued. Collaborating closely with the UCL Students' Union, I aim to address the financial challenges of playing sports in London, creating affordable opportunities for members to engage in badminton.

Running one of the largest sports clubs at UCL is a responsibility I embrace wholeheartedly. I aim to make our badminton community a place for camaraderie, competitiveness, and joy. I am enthusiastic to serve as your president and committed to bringing my passion and dedication to making the UCL Badminton Club a vibrant community where we share a common passion and as a home away from home for our members.

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