Election post


Hey guys! I am running to be the President of the UCL Autism Society. My plans for next year include to:
1.) Organise 2 "Regular Hangout" sessions weekly – one in person and one online
2.) Organise a different social every 2 weeks in addition to these (e.g Colouring Social, Game Nights, Kahoot Nights, Picnics etc)
3.) Organise a collab with another society or network monthly – I have a lot of contacts so it will be relatively easy to arrange this
4.) Organise collabs with the SSW and other organisations in order to help neurodivrgent students and our members
5.) Create a buddy scheme between new students and students in higher years
6.) Regular collect feedback to make the society as great as possible
And more!
I have been in the committee since 2021 and I have also led a number of other societies and groups and thus I have the relevant experience to lead the UCL Autism Society. I am looking forward to next year!

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