Election post


Hi all! My name is Lia and I am a second year student studying Physics. I first came across UCLAM in year 1 through the bootcamp where I had absolutely no finance knowledge. Going into finance from a non-finance background was daunting, but the bootcamp really helped me get a firm base in my understandings, and it motivated me to invest my own time into finance studies. After the bootcamp, I was fortunate enough to attend the L/S Analyst academy, where I have created an exponential learning curve and most importantly, have made valuable friendships. From there, I was able to find my summer internships through UCLAM. In that sense, UCLAM is particularly meaningful for me because my whole finance journey has been with society.

This year, I was the Welfare Officer for society, leading the bootcamp to pass down the knowledge as someone who has been in the exact shoes of the bootcamp members. I really enjoyed organising events and socials, spending countless hours with the current committee. 

For that reason, I am running for the presidential role, where I will be able to make new initiatives come to life, continue the traditions of the founding committee, and make sure society is as wholesome as it is now! Thank you for reading!