Election post


Hi, my name is Mia and I would like to stand for Events Director of Asiatic Affairs. Currently I am a first year student studying ISPS, specialising in international relations and Mandarin. This society provides an amazing opportunity to promote further engagement with Asian affairs in the UCL community, discussing issues that are usually overlooked in a eurocentric curriculum. 


As Events Director, I plan to arrange a variety of events, from socials (involving lots of food!!) to speaker events discussing career opportunities and South, East and Central Asian affairs. I also plan to collaborate with other UCL societies, and potentially other London universities. Additionally, I hope to arrange embassy visits, documentary screenings, exhibition visits and other similar activities. I believe that I would be suitable for this position as I have experience organising and managing events through previous volunteering experience and jobs. In short, I would love to be Events Director to help expand interest into Asian politics and to create a strong network. 

Preferred pronouns
she / her