Election post


Hey BAScers!


Here are the reasons why I’m your next best Welfare Officer:


Multicultural Master: With 3 nationalities under my belt and fluent in 4 languages (plus, currently wrestling with a fifth – thank you BASc), I’m basically the human equivalent of a United Nations conference. My multicultural background isn't just for show; it's a testament to my appreciation for diversity. I embrace differences across religions, orientations, and cultures, embracing inclusivity at every turn.

Listener and Secret Keeper: Got a secret, a rant, or an existential crisis? I'm your go-to person. Just don’t ask me ANYTHING biochem-related (I mean it). Most importantly, I know how to keep my mouth shut :)

Great Events Ahead: Love for arts and crafts + sports + mental health awareness = perfect for wellbeing and relaxing events! I have a ton of ideas for future events to give us BAScers a much-needed break from our stressing degrees and a chance to see each other more often which is so important in a degree like ours. I will always be open to whatever suggestions you may have! 


At the heart of it all, your wellbeing is my top priority. I deeply care about mental health and am committed to being there for you, whether you need a pep talk, a shoulder to cry on, or someone to celebrate your smallest wins with.

If you’re ready for a Welfare Officer who’s more versatile than our degree choices and genuinely cares about your happiness and mental health, vote for me!



Laia Enrigue.

Preferred pronouns