Election post


Hello Tango Society!

I would first like to thank this year’s president, Elfin for her amazing work, inspiring me to apply for this position. As a candidate for next year, I aim to foster a vibrant, inclusive tango community for all skill levels. Having witnessed our society's growth and the deep connections formed, I'm eager to enhance further our sense of belonging through our shared passion.

Tango, to me, is a powerful medium, creating unforgettable experiences and fostering a creative, passionate community. It has been a path of personal growth and connection, transcending mere dance steps to become a universal language of expression that bridges diverse backgrounds. This community has been a safe sanctuary to unwind and make my day.

I am committed to organizing events that promote creativity and exploration, such as collaborative workshops partnering tango with other dance styles and outdoor practicas for more relaxed environments. I value balancing innovation with tradition and plan to introduce more social activities beyond dance, including movie nights and outings, to strengthen our community. I aim to bring fresh energy into our activities with themed events, outreach to new members, and enhanced connections with the tango community in and out of London, including exchanges like the Oxford trip (for those who enjoyed it and those who couldn’t make it!), and diverse workshops and socials.

Let’s join in this exciting journey to elevate our society to new heights.

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