Election post


As a psychology student, I have a deep interest in what the society offers and would love to play an active role in helping a great community be even greater. I want to be welfare officer to foster positive experiences and relationships within the club. My dedication to promoting mental health and holistic well-being aligns with the society's goals and ethos.

I plan to bring a compassionate and empathetic approach to the role. I will be easily accessible so that people can reach out to me about any concerns or issues they have, and I will listen to the needs of every member and represent them within the committee. I have developed these skills from working as a Student Commissioner of Racial Justice, where I had to listen to the experiences of those within my community and provide comfort and solutions.

I would love this opportunity to create a supportive community where every member feels seen, heard, and valued. I am excited about the chance to work collaboratively with our society to foster a strong community. 

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