Election post


Hi, I’m Shreya :)

I am a 1st year medical student and I am running for the role of publicity officer for UCL Anatomy Society. 

I wholeheartedly believe that UCL Anatomy Society is truly an incredible platform that allows all UCL students to explore anatomy into greater depth and participate in a wide variety of exciting opportunities.

As publicity officer for UCL Anatomy society, I am looking forward to promoting all the amazing events and activities organised by UCL Anatomy society. Previously, I have led my school’s charities committee where I have actively organised and participated in numerous cake sales/handmade badge sales as well as designing fun GIFs to showcase events. This experience has built my passion and creativity for designing posters and GIFs to promote events for societies. Furthermore, I regularly respond to all emails and messages very quickly, which is something that I also continue to do as publicity officer for Anatomy society.

In terms of my personal qualities, I am an extremely friendly and caring person. I always like to make people smile and helping others I truly the positive energy that I thrive on. As publicity officer for Anatomy society, I am excited to collaborate with everyone in this wonderful society and raise awareness about all the events that are planned during the year (as well highlighting Anatomy opportunities from external organisations, such as competitions and conferences). 

Thank you

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