Election post


Hi! I am running for Presidency because I genuinely believe that the UCL Anatomy Society has untapped potential to grow. Under the right guidance, we can together lay down the foundations further for an engaging, impactful, and sustainable society. Here are a few, but not limited to agendas.

  1. Setting up a high-functioning committee prior to the next academic year. Interconnectedness between individual roles will be emphasised.
  2. Collaboration with closely-related societies is a top priority. Societies with a solid blueprint in facilitating academic events like UCL Surgical Society and MedSoc are vital in associating with. We have had wonderful collaborations with Anatomy Societies from other universities, and now a mixture of external and internal collaborations would be beneficial.
  3. Increase awareness within student bodies under the Faculty of Medical Sciences and beyond. The key is a resourceful committee willing to network strategically with impactful individuals from each body.
  4. Reaffirm that established events like Anatomy and Radiology Revision tutorials, Research Helplines, Art Exhibitions, and our prized National Conference will continue to run smoothly.

Following these through would place our society in a favourable loop of delivering high-quality events, attracting a greater membership base, and further expanding our tutorial and collaboration opportunities. 

Thank you very much for considering my nomination, and I look forward to working with all of you!